Sunday, September 26, 2004

Today we went to a big kendo taikai (tournament)... this isn't a picture from today. But it is a fantastic picture of kendo! LOVE this sport... ;-)  Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Day 3 of Garret's visit!

So... today, I exposed Garret to kendo. I'm not sure what he thought... but by the end I think he was starting to realize that if he did get to try kendo... he might get his butt kicked. Not only that, but getting it kicked by kids that are at least 4 years younger than he is. Hmmmmm... I think I'd like to see that! Does that mean I'm a bad sister?? Haha... nah, means I'm a NORMAL sister!

Sometime soon here I might let him get some sleep... but that'll be a few more days yet. ;-)

Thursday, September 23, 2004

He's here!!!

Garret has arrived in Japan... he's had quite the journey. But managed to get to Sendai all in one piece. Lauren and I picked him up at 7ish and headed to Shonai. Making good time, with a dinner stop, we got back and are about to crash. Am exhausted.... ZZZzzzzzzz...

I'll be taking him to school tomorrow... boy will my girls be excited!! Heehee... get ready for celebrity status Garret! Little does he know what my kids are like... hahaha!

Anyway... will post pics as soon as I have some!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

So, I'm finally trying to do things with my blog... which means that you'll have to bear with me as I mess around with stuff. Like... posting random pics of my kids... me babbling... etc. All part of the fun! Wheee... ;-)

Anyway, will continue to play and hope that I can make some sense of this stuff...

Yuya... this is my buddy! How sweet is he?? Posted by Hello

Ruri and Mami... not really rivals... just fun-loving girls! Posted by Hello

edit that... DUH! this is SHUYA!! our fearless shiro-gumi leader! Posted by Hello

Kazuma... now doesn't he look sweet?? Really, he's got an inner thug somewhere in there... ;-) Posted by Hello

Hello there Naoki... you look so EXCITED! and hello Kohei *kid flashing peace in the back* Posted by Hello

Sports Day... You've never seen a bigger gathering of kids yelling, screaming and being nuts in all your life! I LOVE JAPAN!! Posted by Hello