Wednesday, December 26, 2007

メリークリスマス! or Christmas in Japan!

Anyone who has ever spent a Christmas away from home in a foreign country has discovered that Christmas is different in every country around the world. :-) Well, in Japan Christmas is something of a cross between Christmas and Valentine's Day... as in the couples fill the streets and it becomes a huge date day. I wish I were joking... despite this weird contortion, this year was a pretty good year for pre-Christmas activities. The weekend before Christmas my friends and I went to have a look at some of the Christmas lights displays around Tokyo.

The first pic makes it look like there's snow in Tokyo... the second is an OCEAN of Christmas lights.

Then there is Christmas day... my friend Will and I got our "cook" on and made a pretty decent Christmas dinner.

The finished product...


The food was great... and the day was a pretty good one even though it was exactly like it would have been at home. It was close... and it's being with the people you love that really counts - friends or family.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fall is in the air...

and winter's right around the corner! If only that meant that there would be some snow this year. Unfortunately there are no guarantees. :-(
I wanted to share some amazing pictures that I clicked on my phone the other day... this only happens on the weekends where there aren't people around automatically scooping away the leaves.
Isn't that just like the yellow-brick road or something?

Next, our kendo captain... being a goof!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

3 and 2 makes 5

Recently I've had some good things happen in my life... but there are some nagging things as well... and the total number of aforementioned things is 5.

Good things... in no particular order:
1. Tuition deduction - about $1500 will be returned to me
2. Scholarship from the university - $3600 will be given to me
3. I passed kendo 1-kyu - I'm now a certified stud! ;-)

Things that make me worry... also in no particular order:
4. I work/study too much and have no extra time to relax (this may sound like I'm whining, but I literally don't have time to take a 5 minute breather sometimes)
5. I don't have enough money to go home for Christmas and will spend it in Japan

The last two items really do have me worried... especially the NO free time EVER thing. I'm getting to be a stress head and last week a friend at school asked me how I was because I looked extremely tired (fair enough I was, but still... it was BAD!). I don't see any end in sight for the madness that happens to be my life right now! Any stress reducing/relaxation inducing practices that can be done in less than 10 minutes?? I'm totally up for any advice!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

OPPAI!! (aka boobages)

Oppai... it's a very interesting word. Recently I've been having interesting encounters that are predominantly about these interesting female "appendages."

Case 1: Sundays I teach basic English to a 5 year-old Japanese girl. Somewhere around the middle of the lesson she bursts out, "Your oppai are big!" (in Japanese) I ignore it and try to get her to keep going on the lesson. Nope, wasn't gonna happen. She turns around, looks at her mother and says, "I think yours are bigger than my mom's." By this time I'm very red and her dad is scolding her... even at the end of the lesson she once again said "Sensei's oppai are big" to her mom.

Case 2: Last night was the end of season girls' drinking night. Yup! All the kendo girls, after practice, went out and got pissed. At the beginning, my 2nd year group was kind of segregated from the rest... talking amongst ourselves. Then I moved, and my friend Shivani followed, to near our favorite girl captain, Toda. Now, this is dangerous... Toda loves to talk oppai!! Well... we did more than talk... we took silly pictures that mostly featured oppai... and we all (I'm embarrassed to admit), in our drunken states, felt each others oppai. Toda is not well endowed and expresses her jealousy of my rather ample endowment. I try to tell her they get in the way and are a pain in the ass, but somehow I am not able to convince her.

What is the magic of the oppai?? Seriously. I'd love an answer!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Best little present ever...

A dear friend of mine came back to Japan last week. And she's a big sweetie and brought me some prezzies! :-) A small pot of Christmas pudding, some mulled wine fudge, and a nice gift pack of moisturizer, muscle rub and some chapstick... it's the coolest because it's the Extreme Badger Body Care kit... for Active Badgers!!

Take a minute and smile... if you're an Active Badger too!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Running frustration...

Now, I've had a frustration with Japanese walkers for awhile. When walking on the sidewalk people walk one of three ways: on the left, on the right, or down the center. Not very useful because there is no way of predicting which walker you will encounter at any given time. Annoying!

I've recently started running again. (Yes, it's been over 6 months, but I'm on a 3 times a week schedule for now!) I get annoyed with these walkers under normal circumstances, but it's much more annoying when you are going at a rapid pace and you are face with people walking parallel to each other, in the same direction, walking nearly three abreast on the sidewalk. Not enough room to get past, but enough to want to try.

I realized this morning that people walking in the morning are on autopilot. They know their way to the train station based on instinct and they just go... without any awareness of their surroundings. I nearly took out a woman in heels who stopped in the middle of my path to wait for a light. Awareness people!! Seriously!

Ok... enough of my rant!:-)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Back to school

Man... I think the older you get, the harder it is to start school again in the fall. I used to look forward to the first day of school. I'd get all excited with my new outfit, new backpack, new school supplies... ahhhh... it was so much fun. Now?? I had a really relaxing (read: lazy) vacation. Did a bit of work, but mostly relaxed the time away. So, when school started again yesterday... it was really hard to get excited. In fact, I just thought "man, now I really have to get my sh*t together." Bah!

At least I finally get to start researching things that I'm really interested in. That is always motivational help! :-) Wish me luck... and maybe I'll even eventually graduate. haha...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well... I had a very nice weekend. During the weekend I looked at some of my old Japan pics. So I decided to do a picture rewind... hope you don't mind.

This was at the choral competition.... I still remember Miyuki!

This is part of why I love kendo so much. Mayuko kicking some serious butt!! How awesome is that??

Irish music.... Tokyo pub.... one of the best nights ever!!!

Alisha and Ro in the snow.... we had a great time. Even if I did get a bit grumpy because I'm a crap snowboarder. Heehee...
And that's enough of the rewind... believe me I could go on!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


My mom visited in July... we took pictures with her camera mostly, so I've only gotten the copies today. Here are some of the highlights...

This was a picture taken out in Kawagoe City, Saitama. It was a pretty rainy day, but we were determined to do something. So we met up with my friend Gabe and headed out. Even though it looks really rainy, it wasn't that bad. :-)

When she was in Japan, Mom got to see me practice kendo for the first time. Afterwards, we took a kendo girls picture to commemorate. There were only a few girls that day... but it was still a great picture.

We also visited Shinjuku-Gyouen, formerly the Royal families private garden, but now open to the public. It was amazingly peaceful and nice. Mom loves gardens so she really enjoyed this spot, as did I.

These were all taken at the park. I think they're pretty good... There was so much to see that we just couldn't do it all!

We had lunch one day with my friend Shin-chan. She's from Taiwan and let us try a bunch of different Taiwanese treats that her family and friends had sent. It was really a treat!

We also got to participate in tea ceremony. From left: teacher, mom, me, my friend Kassandra, and the other teacher. (Never got their names, just said "sensei.") It was really a great experience, but it reaffirmed my choice to do kendo. I'm definitely NOT graceful enough for tea ceremony!! :-)

Here's the end of part 1... there's SO many pictures!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Summer of Drama!

And I don't mean for me!! Yay!! hahaha... I mean the summer of the Japanese Drama. I am HOPELESSLY addicted to two dramas at the moment: First Kiss and HanaKimi. They are very silly... and could even be characterized as guilty pleasures. But I love them!! And now that fall has arrived (along with rain and the possibility of typhoons), I am even more inclined to ignore the real world and just watch my dramas.

First Kiss is about a heart patient who returns from LA to Tokyo to visit her brother whom she hasn't seen in over 10 years. Ro, do you recognize the guy in the bottom middle pic?? If not, I'll give you another pic and a hint. He's from one of our FAVE movies!! And I must say, he's looking awfully hot in this pic. ;-)

Next drama... is the one that can really be called the guilty pleasure. It's called Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (HanaKimi for short!). It's based on a manga (silliness alert!!). AND... the basic story line is that a girl sneaks into an all-boys school that is renown for picking their students for their good looks. Girl sneaks in to help one of the guys start high jumping again... and so the story spins. The subtitle for the series is: Ikemen Paradise = Hottie Paradise!! You be the judges.

This is the full cast... best ones? As follows... Oguri Shun.

He's been in other dramas that I like as well... so he's bound to be one of my faves! Then there's Ikuta Toma. Newish face... but the funniest character in this drama.

The only person missing from the bunch is YamaP (Yamashita Tomohisa). With him the show really would be a Hottie Paradise for everyone to enjoy!! ;-)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More pics!!

A few weeks back, my friend Kassandra and I went to a place in Tokyo called Yanaka Ginza. It's a really cute area with cute shops, some really old buildings, and a park with lots of turtles. The first pic is us in this really neat (HUGE!) old house. It was super hot, but glad we went out. The second pic is just one section of the huge house. Third pic is the side of a traditional candy shop... really neat building. The art on the side of the building was amazing.
Then there were the turtles. Notice the turtle climbing up the ramp... we sat and watched him try and try to get up to the platform. He was really gambaru-ing (trying hard), but after the third time of sliding backward down the ramp... he gave up and swam off. It was so funny to watch though!!
Sorry this is all such a jumble... I'm decidedly annoyed by the way that the formatting works on blogger sometimes. I can't seem to get anything to line up anymore. Oh well... It can't really be helped.
Hope everyone is enjoying summer and staying cool!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wow... has it really been that long?

Ok... so here are the long awaited pictures... The first is of rice fields "back home" in Yamagata. I was there in June (yeah... JUNE!!!) for a wedding. Aaaaah... it's so peaceful there... not quite like Tokyo.

Second picture... it's an odd tradition at weddings, but a lot of times there are goofy dances, skits, or songs that are performed for the bride and groom. The guys with the multi-colored wigs are all the grooms' friends from high school. Hahaha... the made me laugh SO hard!

The last picture is of a turtle. I like turtles... and you see them in parks here in Japan all the time. Thus, the picture. Now when my mom was here we used her camera and she didn't have a cable with her so I couldn't transfer any of those pics to my computer. But they will be coming soon.

Also, big news... I'm staying here in Japan to finish my degree. I am looking forward to finishing here and also getting to meet more people and maybe even have people visit me! That's an open invitation!!

Friday, June 22, 2007


It's been an awfully long time since I posted anything. Pictures or messages. For that I must apologize. Things have been busy but not THAT busy! I'm just lazy.
So, I'm going to do one of those crazy updates of what I've been doing since May!
-I finished my midterms and have gotten the results back (for the most part)... grades are good and I'm doing well in all my classes.
- Went to my friend Nami's wedding in Yamagata... wow! That was a major event... Had a total blast!!
-I had a friend visit for the last 10 days... Ted. He's been studying in China and wanted to see a bit of Tokyo. It was fun, but exhausting because I didn't get nearly enough sleep while he was here.
- Kendo's good, but KILLING me because I've not adjusted to the heat (I don't think you really can!) and I end up a sweaty mess by the end of EVERY practice. But I love it still.
- Did and interview to get into Waseda last weekend... have been accepted. Now for figuring out the money situation. :-) Doesn't everything all come down to money??
- Am trying to figure out what to do with my mom while she's here... she's got a list a mile long and I'm not sure how much time I'll have to be able to play with... I'll still be in classes!

That's the REALLY short version... I promise there will be pics!

Friday, May 25, 2007

When Japan gets the measles...

So... About 20 years ago the Japanese government made the measles vaccine optional. That only lasted a few years and it's now mandatory again, but there is a small portion of the population that has not been vaccinated.

This spring has seen an elevated number of measles cases on the university campuses here in Tokyo. Which means that in order to prevent a real outbreak, many universities have cancelled school.

Yup, Monday school was cancelled for the week. It's funny because there have been 12 cases of measles reported at my university. 12 cases out of a student body of 55,000 people! That's what it takes to get school cancelled I suppose. On the one hand not having school has been good. I could get a bit caught up on classes. On the other hand, my busy week that was supposed to be over today has been postponed for a busy week next week! Argh!!

Ma, shoganai ne! (can't be helped)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hiking... in Tokyo!!

So... everyone thinks that Tokyo is just a big city with lots of neon lights, concrete and karaoke joints. Not so!! Tokyo is quite a big place... big enough that there's even some countryside. And I have proof! I went hiking in Tokyo today... there was lots of nature and sun!! Skipped rocks and had a great time... I've got pics to prove it!

And you can't even see any concrete down near the river... nice!

You can't get by without fire hydrants... even in the middle of the country!! :-) Thank you Will for accentuating that point! Haha...

Despite Kassandra's cheery expression... the water was pretty cold!

I was not happy about the bridge. I'm not as scared of heights as my brother... but a rickety
wooden bridge is not my idea of fun!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

i think it's here...

Yep, I actually think spring is here. The day is gorgeous! Weather's great... wind isn't too bad... and the sun.... shining, shining, shining!! I LOVE this time of year. I can't get enough of it! I don't have any pics right now... but I think I will after I go and have a day just enjoying it! :-)

Hope spring's happening where you are too! :-)


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What constitutes burnout?

I think that I'm seriously close to burnout. Does that sound like I'm being a serious weenie?? I have intense classes this term. Eeek! AND... I've been rushing around trying to apply to Waseda to transfer here. I'm still missing one essential bit of the application, but will turn it in and wait for the last crucial piece of information. AND I have a huge article to finish reading for my IR and Security class... and I've been going to be after midnight and getting up before 7 the last few days. I need sleep and less stress!!



Saturday, April 21, 2007

True life

So, I've decided that soap operas are actually inspired by true life events. Why?? Well, I'm having a mini-soap opera experience. Let's see what you think...
A) I am currently seeing a guy that is really amazing. Nice, good looking, treats me well... and I like him too. Bonus: He asked ME out! (big deal in Japan)
B) A guy I met in December is suddenly single. I liked him when I first met him, but he had a girlfriend at the time. (they were only together 2 months or so) He's great and I always have a good time when I'm with him.
C) The Wild Card. A guy I met over a year ago in Hawaii just admitted that he's liked me since he met me. He's back in Japan for good and regrets not having acted sooner. But has now joined the mix. This is the most unexpected. It hit like a brick wall! :-)

Evidence says real life is as messed up as the soaps! :-)


Thursday, April 19, 2007


It seems even when bad news is expected, it still catches you off guard.

Someone I knew from home disappeared in November and his body was finally found recently. Being missing that long during the winter meant he probably wasn't still alive. But until you know definitely there's still hope. And now that hope is gone.

My prayers go out to his family and friends right now. It's a tough time in Fairbanks right now.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Birthday, part 2

Now for the more subdued birthday celebration... Sunday in Japan is Saturday in the United States... which means that I get a SECOND birthday on the 15th in Japan. Heehee...

My Sunday started early with me waking up at 6am, drinking water and taking ibuprofen... and then going back to bed for a bit. I got up around 9ish or so... and got some breakfast together. Shortly afterwards I got to talk to my parents. That was nice because it's been a month since I talked to them. Haven't bothered buying a calling card since I got back from Alaska. :-)

After that I had to get ready because I had a date!! Yep, you heard correctly... I had a date. Now, I've been dating this guy for a little while now and really quite like him. He just started a job on April 1st, so we haven't gotten to spend too much time together recently. Anyway... I had a date.

We met at Shibuya and had some lunch... then we headed out to Yoyogi park, the weather was beautiful so what better way to enjoy an afternoon!? We walked around for awhile, but being a bit tired from the b-day activities the night before we decided having a seat on a bench and people watching would be just the thing... and so we did.

One thing that's really nice about Yuki is just being around him. He's so relaxed and easy to be around... gotta love that... we spent the afternoon wandering around and being in each other's company. Much more subdued than the other celebrations.

I headed home around 6:30ish or so... had homework and other things to do and that concluded my birthday weekend! I loved every minute of it!! :-)


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Birthday, part 1

The odd luxury that one has when living a whole day ahead of the United States is that I have a birthday in Japan... which extends through the entire NEXT day because of the time difference... LOVE IT!!!

So... part 1 of my birthday was really something. Yeah, that's pretty much the best way of saying it. The entire day I pretty much relaxed and saved my energy for the evening. I knew I would need any extra strength that I could muster.

The evening's plans kicked off with kendo. Kendo was a great practice. I got to practice with 5 people (in an hour), then went with my friend Daisuke afterwards to make the grand total 6!! Wahoo!! After kendo was drinking with the kendo kids. Now... birthday drinking is different than normal drinking. And it was even more exciting/entertaining because there were two birthday kids: me and Murai-sempai (he's one of the group leaders, thus sempai).

So, the tradition is... you drink the same number of glasses of beer for the number of years you are turning. In my case, 27. Eeeek! An aside, the glasses are very small and the amount of beer is only a swallow or so. Promptly at 10pm, Murai and I were called up in front of everyone and as the entire group sang Happy Birthday on repeat... Murai and I drank... sad thing is... I was done before Murai, who had fewer glasses to finish... but we ended together with half a bottle (think bottles that are 1.5 litres) of beer in unison. Then came the presentation of the presents... from 1st, 2nd, 3rd years and alumni members. Murai totally got hit hard... he had to drink bloody mary from a bottle, tomato juice, sake, and beer... he did get sick. I only had to drink (on top of what I'd already drank) half a bottle of plum wine. After all that, cakes were brought out. Lovely, really tastey looking cakes. And... we ended up with our faces in the cakes and not getting to eat any of it... :-( SO sad!! (I even got frosting up my nose!!!)

Heehee... But that was enough... both of us were REALLY drunk by the end. So drunk, I nearly forgot a present from my friend Toda at the end of the night.

So... there's part 1... part 2 is more subdued, but nonetheless exciting/good. :-)


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Back to the grind...

So... Monday was the first day of class for the spring term here. If that sounds confusing, the run-down is that Japan's school year runs from April to March with breaks for summer, New Year and Spring. (That's the short version!) Like I was saying, classes start Monday. And it's Wednesday... and I'm TOAST!! Seriously... I am SO tired it's not even funny. I woke up to my alarm this morning and just remember thinking... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I know that's the normal reaction for most people, but generally I'm ok with waking up. This morning is probably a result of kendo last night (intense and wicked!!!) and having just started classes again.

Anyway... I don't have anything else to report other than that. Oh... my birthday is Saturday. I keep being reminded by the kendo girls... what's better is that the tradition is to drink the number of small glasses of beer for every year. So... my birthday twin, Murai, only has to drink 22 glasses... and I get 27. I have a feeling Saturday is going to be interesting. :-O


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Here we have some examples of the lovely sakura, cherry blossoms, in Yoyogi Park here in Tokyo. They are really beautiful and everyone seemed to be having a great time. That will happen when you have nature mixed with copious amounts of alcohol. No one can accuse the Japanese of not knowing how to have a good time!! Hope all's well where you are! :-)

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fun Day!

So, yesterday was a really great day. The weather was really great (kind of windy, but good none the less). The cherry blossoms were blooming all over Tokyo and I was on a date with a really nice guy. :-) We went to the opening of a newly renovated section of Tokyo... it has very posh shopping and posh restaurants. It also has a new building designed by Ando Tadao, a world-famous Japanese architect. After going there, we went to Roppongi Hills and went to the Mori Art Museum... on the same floor is an amazing viewing area. You can see all of Tokyo! It's great! I have some fuzzy pics (I forgot my camera!) taken with my cell phone. What's the killer is that Mt. Fuji was out and looking awesome, but because I didn't have my camera you can't see it. :-( Oh, well... another time.
This was just a few minutes before the sun really went down... we got an awesome show while we sat there... every few minutes the horizon would change. It was really cool.
Tokyo Tower... very fuzzy... but you can make it out!!

Night sakura (cherry blossoms)... I actually took this two nights ago after kendo. Really pretty, eh?? The whole city is in bloom!!

This is Tsumabuki Satoshi. He's one of my and Lauren's favorite Japanese actors and is the new face of Pepsi Next! The new billboards are all over Tokyo. Heehee... they are REALLY amusing. :-)

Yesterday, in addition to just having a great day. I saw tons of little kids out and about. They are SO cute!! I want one... my date kept insisting that white kids are cuter, but I totally disagree!! Japanese kids are SO adorable... you just want to take out home. :-) Anyway... hope everyone likes the pics...


Monday, March 26, 2007

A Japanese Wedding!

I had the great experience of being able to go to my friend Peter's wedding yesterday. It was amazing! Very Japanese, but with the addition of several Americans it had a touch of "American-ness." If you'll allow me a word creation. Even in America, the bride should really be the most beautiful woman at the wedding. Well, in a traditional Japanese wedding, the bride wears the most beautiful and elaborate kimono... which means that she really is the most beautiful person present... hands down!!
The reception was amazing... the food was good, the drink flowed freely and everyone seemed to have a great time. I can't wait to go to my next Japanese wedding... in June! Yay!!

Here are a few pictures....

After the ceremony (l to r): Me, Peter, Sam and Junko

Peter and Junko. Junko has changed into her colored kimono.

You can only kind of see the men onstage... we had a great drum and flute/shamisen (3-stringed Japanese instrument!) duo for entertainment. Really great!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Lethal combination...

St. Patrick's Day was quite the occasion!! I made Shivani a shirt that read "100% Irish" and we headed out to hit up the best little Irish pub in Shinjuku. Ahhh... it was a glorious night... until right near the end. We ended up having 3 pints of Guinness and 2 Irish carbombs. I'm blaming the massive hang over I had the next day on the carbombs! :-) BUT... we had a great time. Who can argue with 500yen (roughly $5) a pint Guinness?? Not me! Hope everyone else had a great St. Pat's too! Here's to the Irish!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Alaska Pictures!!! and a Massive Update!

So, I just returned from 3 weeks in Fairbanks, Alaska... my old stomping grounds! Hahaha...
The first weekend I was back, I went to see the formerly UAF Nanooks (now, Alaska Nanooks!?!) play a bit of hockey. Unfortunately they handed the hometown crowd a couple of disappointing losses. Booo... but the following weekend, on the road... won in the first round of the play-offs. Go figure!?!

This next picture was taken from a moving car. I think I saw Denali more times when I was home this time, than I saw it over the summer when I was home for 3 months. Hmmm... very odd. Anyway, this would have been a great picture if I'd only managed to not be in a moving car. Oh, well... Still, it's a pretty picture.

I wanted to ski a lot when I got home, but unfortunately I only managed to go a few times. -20F or colder is no longer a temperature that I function at. Nope... don't like it!! BUT... the skiing was really fun. It's such a good workout. It's just a shame that I couldn't do more of it.
I also got a really cool picture of the full moon while I was home. It was cloudy, snowy... and the moon's pictured through the trees... but I still think the picture works. :-) What do you think?

The last thing I did while I was at home was went to the ice park. Every year Fairbanks holds the world ice art championships. It's amazing... the sculpture at the left is Mt. Iditarod. It has the faces of former Iditarod champions Susan Butcher, and 3 others (can't remember all of them) in the ice. It was pretty cool. There was also a Susan Butcher tribute ice carving as well. That one was AWESOME!
Overall my trip home was good. It had one startling consequence though... I really don't think I could ever live full time in Alaska again. As much as it pains me to say that... I just don't think it's possible now. I like normal seasons... summer, winter, fall, spring... not WINTER, spring, summer, fall, WINTER... sorry folks. NORMAL is ok when it comes to the weather. ;-) There's more to it than that, but that's a major factor for me. Anyway... hope all's well with everyone out there. I'm having a great day... the weather's killer today!! :-)