Recently I've had some good things happen in my life... but there are some nagging things as well... and the total number of aforementioned things is 5.
Good things... in no particular order:
1. Tuition deduction - about $1500 will be returned to me
2. Scholarship from the university - $3600 will be given to me
3. I passed kendo 1-kyu - I'm now a certified stud! ;-)
Things that make me worry... also in no particular order:
4. I work/study too much and have no extra time to relax (this may sound like I'm whining, but I literally don't have time to take a 5 minute breather sometimes)
5. I don't have enough money to go home for Christmas and will spend it in Japan
The last two items really do have me worried... especially the NO free time EVER thing. I'm getting to be a stress head and last week a friend at school asked me how I was because I looked extremely tired (fair enough I was, but still... it was BAD!). I don't see any end in sight for the madness that happens to be my life right now! Any stress reducing/relaxation inducing practices that can be done in less than 10 minutes?? I'm totally up for any advice!