Now, the semester has been over for more than a month and I've neglected posting anyything. Why? (you may ask) Well... is it because I'm busy and important? is it because I've picked up SO much extra work that work has replaced school in my busy schedule? is it because I'm a lazy git that can't seem to make time to do anything? Erm... I'll let you speculate as to which of the aforementioned reasons it is... :-)
Then there's the fact that I've been spending a lot of time outside doing fun things like trekking around Kamakura and walking around parks and things like that. It's been really nice! Especially as the weather starts getting nicer and the temps are warming up. (I went to kendo today and the floor was no longer COLD!! Simple pleasures folks, simple pleasures!)
Next week I get to teach in elementary school for two days. I'm really looking forward to that. I do love the kids! They are so fun and enthusiastic about everything. I LOVE it. I feel young when I get to spend time with the kiddies. And I need that sometimes.
This update is incredibly short... but when it's a vacation and you don't have money to travel the extent to which I am having adventures is quite limited.
I'll leave you a few pics from my Kamakura trip!

Me... not so horrible picture. Why am I SO unphotogenic? Please tell me!!

I'm not sure if I took this picture or not... I'd like to think I did... because it's cool... but I'm not sure! Pretty cool eh?

This pic was not taken by me... it's an awesome picture though... so I had to add it! Enjoy a little bit of Japan. :-)