Monday, September 26, 2005

Am bad...

I'm sorry!! Once again I said I was going to post on my blog more regularly... and then didn't. Boo on me!! Hahaha...

Well... I have a little good news to report... I HAVE A JOB!!! Yay!! Good news indeed, eh? So, I started on Friday and I go in to work again today. It's actually a tough-ish looking schedule right now. I just need to get everything sorted out with school and work... as far as making sure I get everything done. Haha! Soon it will be a non-issue.

Yesterday was great. I went to kendo in the morning... got thoroughly sweaty and exhausted... then came home and called my friend Ji yon back (she'd called me during kendo)... showered... then, because I had nothing planned, I called her again and we decided to meet up and go to Starbucks.

Funny thing... the Starbucks that we ended up going to... was full of our classmates from our Contested Issues in Modern Japan class... and we kept laughing about that. Heehee...

Then last night I met up with my friend Shannah (raced home on the bus actually) and we went to see Corpse Bride... which, to my complete surprise, was really enjoyable! Yay!! I love it when I am pleasantly surprised by things. ;-)

Anyway... I have a VERY full day today... church, meeting a partner for Japanese, and work!! Whew! Going to be a tough one! ;-)

Take care.



Anonymous said...

What's your new job? Tell us more!

Anonymous said...

Ugghh... there's that S-word again......