So, we all know Halloween was a week ago... but I just haven't gotten around to posting anything about it... well... here's some interesting pictures! The beautiful "lady" in the middle is my friend Kenzo... On Halloween he made us all amazing Hiroshima-yaki and then disappeared to get into costume. None of us had a clue what he was going to "be."
Much to our delight he came out looking like... that!! ;-)
Kenzo and Kana (left) and Ji yon.

The group shot was taken just as we got out of a taxi down in Waikiki... look at that beautiful collection of people... Haha... We did have a great night... but all paid because 3 of us had 7.30am class the next day!
Other news...
This weekend was a really good one. Went out with Ji yon on Friday... went to a really cool club down in Chinatown... one of the better places I've been since I got here. We also ended up walking for a bit to "sober up" haha...
Saturday, I had kendo in the morning, which was really good fun. I went up against Mark-sensei... who is slightly scary, but difficult so I worked really hard! Then I came home and cleaned. We officially have a clean fridge... oh man it was DISGUSTING!!! And hadn't been cleaned for a LONG time! So, now it's sparkling! Yay!!
Then I met up with Kenzo (not in drag!) and Ji yon down in Ala Moana Park for a bit of soccer before going to a barbecue. Really good fun!! But I must say, playing soccer without shoes can be dangerous... My toe can prove that!!
After the barbecue festivities came to an end... we all headed back to Ted's apartment (a friend of Kenzo's that I've met a few different times!) and other people drank, but as I had work in the morning I only had a beer and some random drink that was pink and tasted like Skittles.
Anyway... good weekend... even if I'm really tired (calculated the number of hours I slept over the weekend... it's somewhere around 8)... I had fun and that counts for a lot.
Hope to hear from you soon! Sorry I've been slacking!
recycling halloween costumes i see! SLACKER! I was Glinda.. it was hilarious. MISS YOU MISS YOU MISS YOU!
Like the Seseme Street jingle:
One of these kids is not like the others... 8 of these kids are kinda the same...
You just look a bit out of place :) This is Hawaii?
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