So, I know that I have been remiss in posting pictures of things and activities in my life. SO... here's the grand update with everything from pictures of Hawaii to me and Yo (my boyfriend!). I'll add commentary when needed. ;-)

This first picture is of the view (toward the mountains) from my apartment in Waikiki. It was quite the experience... but I would have to say I'll not be living in Waikiki whenever I do return to Hawaii. ;-)

This is my fantastic roommate Nicole! We were actually heading out for a great night out in Waikiki when we got one of our other roommates to take this pic. We had a blast that night and I miss her so much!!
This next pic is of Nicole, Mimmi and me on Easter. They wanted to come to church with me, so we all made a jolly group as we headed to church. After the service we had a fab brunch at the church. They were so impressed with church and the food afterwards. It was a great Sunday and I'm so glad we all went together.

Here's a picture of a beach that Yo and I went to. It was pretty, but windy that day.

And this next picture is also that day. Yo and I took a bajillion pictures... but for some reason I kept closing my eyes! (I took off m

y sunnies, you see!) So, we finally got a good picture in. ;-) Anyway, these are my updated photos. I just returned from an interesting weekend of "camping" so I'll be posting some of those pics soon!