This first picture is of the view (toward the mountains) from my apartment in Waikiki. It was quite the experience... but I would have to say I'll not be living in Waikiki whenever I do return to Hawaii. ;-)

This is my fantastic roommate Nicole! We were actually heading out for a great night out in Waikiki when we got one of our other roommates to take this pic. We had a blast that night and I miss her so much!!
This next pic is of Nicole, Mimmi and me on Easter. They wanted to come to church with me, so we all made a jolly group as we headed to church. After the service we had a fab brunch at the church. They were so impressed with church and the food afterwards. It was a great Sunday and I'm so glad we all went together.

Here's a picture of a beach that Yo and I went to. It was pretty, but windy that day.

And this next picture is also that day. Yo and I took a bajillion pictures... but for some reason I kept closing my eyes! (I took off m

1 comment:
are you practicing your kendo kata?
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