So, I've decided that soap operas are actually inspired by true life events. Why?? Well, I'm having a mini-soap opera experience. Let's see what you think...
A) I am currently seeing a guy that is really amazing. Nice, good looking, treats me well... and I like him too. Bonus: He asked ME out! (big deal in Japan)
B) A guy I met in December is suddenly single. I liked him when I first met him, but he had a girlfriend at the time. (they were only together 2 months or so) He's great and I always have a good time when I'm with him.
C) The Wild Card. A guy I met over a year ago in Hawaii just admitted that he's liked me since he met me. He's back in Japan for good and regrets not having acted sooner. But has now joined the mix. This is the most unexpected. It hit like a brick wall! :-)
Evidence says real life is as messed up as the soaps! :-)
Oh Alisha--breaking hearts left and right!
wouldn't say that...
Count your blessings!
Maybe I should move to the big city....
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