Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Touma Turns 1

How did we even get here? How can one year be over so quickly? The tiny baby that I brought home last year, is now walking around and no longer a baby but is a toddler! Eek!

Shimon took Thursday off and we went to the Nogeyama Zoo (it's free!) and went to the petting zoo in particular. Touma was not terribly interested in the individual animals and the whole petting experience, but was definitely more into everything than the last time we went to the zoo. Now that walking is easier he's trying to test boundaries and try to climb things.

Ready for birthday breakfast!
Round one of present opening!
The paper is totally the best part!
Baby chicks!
Mom, I'm so not into the guinea pig. Climbing is more fun!
In the afternoon, Touma got a nap. We picked up an easy dinner and shared with Touma. Haha. The dinner wasn't terribly exciting, but then it was cake time. I actually made and decorated the cake. It was a lightly sweetened pumpkin-apple cake with a cream cheese/whip cream frosting.

I ran out of room for "birthday!" Oops!

Time to blow... He wasn't super sure what to do.
Messy eating is a sure-fire sign of enjoyment!
We had a great birthday day. I'm so glad that Shimon took the day off. It meant a lot to me and to Touma too. Happy Birthday, baby boy! Here's to many, many more!


Jaime said...

Super cute! I love the frosting in the side of his hair. :)

Alisha said...

At least he didn't fall asleep in the cake (that's what I did for my 1st birthday!).