This week I only taught 2 classes at the girls' junior high that I teach at. There are three girls in one of those classes that are obsessed about marriage and kids (and they are only 14!!).
I supposed I made a silly move when I answered the question, "do you have a boyfriend?" with the answer "yes." I could have been more mysterious about things and made life slightly less interesting. Well, these three girls from the aforementioned class are always asking me when I'm going to get married. To this question I reply, "mada, mada" (not yet).
This particular class was made more interesting by another question: "Alisha, when are you going to have a baby?" My reaction... "HUH!?!?!?!" To illustrate how wrapped up in marriage and babies these 14 year-old girls are I should say that throughout class they were making a list of names. Not names of potential husbands... but baby names. I wanted to say to them, "don't you have the order of things a bit backwards!?" But I didn't.
Once class was over and I ran into the same girls at lunch, one assured me that my boyfriend was going to surprise me and propose on Christmas Eve. To that I just laughed because I know very well that he won't. Geesh!! What is it with 14 year-old Japanese girls!?! I'm fairly sure that I wasn't thinking baby names at age 14!
So, the moral of the story is... don't tell girls you have a boyfriend unless you want them to turn into your mother!! Haha.
Erm ... pretty sure I was thinking about baby names when I was 14. I didn't USE those names when I had a baby, but I did have names back them (or within a couple years after). :-)
I think you and Shimon would make darling children. Tee hee!!
Hahahaha! You're so silly. :-P No babies quite yet. ;-)
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