In Japan, undertaking a move is in many ways much more painful than moving in the United States. There is no craigslist or rooms for rent in a newspaper. You MUST go to a realtor. So we spent the better parts (weekend) of November and December looking for an apartment. This search was complicated because I have a cat. Pet friendly apartments are difficult to find. CAT friendly apartments are even more difficult.
Sometime in the beginning to middle of December we found a cat friendly apartment that we liked AND was the right price. By price I am not just talking your first months rent, last months rent and deposit. Of course there are those fees, but the list is longer. Since we have a cat it's two months rent deposit, plus 3,000 yen a month more in rent (roughly $35). The realtor fee (one months rent). Insurance and other fees. In all, it was a scary sum that we paid when we signed our lease agreement. (600,000 Japanese yen)
Fastforward... WE'VE MOVED!!!
And here are some pictures. We still don't have all the furnishings that we plan to have, but saving for things you want is part of the fun, right? :-)

The kitchen, notice... counter space. A real stove top! A big sink. I love it!! I've used it a lot already and can't wait to start experimenting!!

This is one half of the dining-ish area. The only half with anything resembling furnishings. And the shelf only arrived yesterday. :-) We're looking for a table, but have not found one to our (my) liking yet.

The bedroom. We have some more decorating to do (obviously!!). But we have a place to sleep, so the decorating can wait a little while.

The couch in the living room... it faces and empty wall where the TV will live when we get one. The couch is actually covered in blankets to keep Suzu (cat) from ruining it. Bah, cats and their claws!
There's the big update (well, for now... I'm sure there's more to tell)!
Wow! That is a big update. Congrats on the new place and the next step in your relationship. (NOW can you go to those BBQs with his friends?!?!)
Also, you need to post more about your man. I feel like I hardly know anything. And pictures. Of both of you. Pictures are good. (Like those of the apt. Good job.)
Yes, I second that: more posts!
Happy to see you're doing fine, my friend! take care... ^^
So exciting! Congrats on the place... I can't wait to hear of your culinary masterpieces in that kitchen with counter space. :)
Yay! I am glad to see that you are still alive. Congrats on the new place :) I hope everything else is going well!
I'll to do better!! Em, I'm sure there will be more couple pictures as my Mom is coming and will insist. :-) I'll keep the updates coming.
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