Sunday, December 05, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas!

So... we got our tree in the mail today. Until we have a car there won't be a real tree and even then it'll be a tiny Ikea tree. :-) So here's the decorations we have up and our little tree.

This is the decorations in our little bay window. To be added: a poinsettia below the lights. Might also add some white lights for variation as well...

We have a bike rack and we wound some colored lights around the pole... You don't quite get the full affect here, but you get the idea!

 And the main event, the tree! We don't have tons of ornaments yet... so the back is pretty bare, but that will change with time. I think we have a pretty nice tree for our first one together!


Lauren said...

Very Good Tree for Japan! I'm impressed :)

Alisha said...

Thanks!! I had an even more realistic one t I left in house n Shonai, but this one is cute too.

Jaime said...

Looks good! I'm guessing that Christmas isn't quite as big of a deal in Japan - I'm glad you're still enjoying the season!!!

Alisha said...

It's biggish... but doesn't have the meaning behind any of it. Very superficial Christmas for most people really. But I love Christmas, so I'm doing my best to make it special!