Friday, December 24, 2010

Nearly Christmas...

Christmas in Japan is strange.

There are many things that are quite magical (giant, extravagant light displays, expensive desserts called "christmas cake,"etc.). This year I got to see the Nutcracker (it was GREAT!!).

There's a lot that is overwhelmingly foreign about the holiday as well. People eat fried chicken (yup, from KFC no less!). Children receive gifts, but there is no thought about kids giving gifts. Santa is the giver of gifts, not parents. Couples look forward to Christmas as a date day... not a time to spend with family. I could go on... but won't.

This year, I'm trying to do Christmas at home with Shimon. It'll be our first Christmas together (year 1 - I went home to Alaska, year 2 - Shimon had swine flu), so it'll be nice. And I'm trying to make it special and give him a glimpse into what Christmas is like in the States. That includes lots of Christmas music... a tree... walking around at the light displays. And church is a tradition that I want to share as well... and we're going to try for that tonight. Too bad most services begin between 5 and 7! Most people who work can't make it, but he's going to try. Love him!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Merry Christmas!


Jaime said...

Good luck! I hope Shimon is able to catch the American Spirit of Christmas. :) We're laying pretty low this year for the holidays, so it'll be quiet around the Davis household. :)

Alisha said...

I hope you enjoy your low key Christmas! We're going to have a nice day as well... not much planned other than presents and food! Maybe a walk after the meal to work off some of the calories. :-)