Sooooo... I am a horrible blogger. :-( I have neglected my blog for months! Eeek! To be fair... weddings are a big deal. Lots of planning and all that... yeah, it still means I'm a bad blogger. ;-)
But as my first blog "back" in the blogging world... I'm going to share wedding pictures!
Our wedding photographers were Rebecca Kurber and her husband Joe. They did an awesome job! (If you live in the Fairbanks area and need to have portraits done or are getting married - I would highly recommend them!)
So far, we only have highlights and there are some great pics! Our pictures are in an album called "Alisha & Shimon: I Do" and had nearly 200 pics in it. In the near future we should have ALL the pictures and I'll share them as well!!
Wow - those are gorgeous! I love the b&w... they seem extra sentimental somehow. Your photographer seemed to capture the moment, and the emotion, beautifully.
Pictures are beautiful! Congratulations, Alisha-san!
Thanks guys!! I am so pleased with the pictures and our photographer. If you know anyone in Fairbanks in need of a photographer... spread the word!
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