Friday, May 04, 2007

Hiking... in Tokyo!!

So... everyone thinks that Tokyo is just a big city with lots of neon lights, concrete and karaoke joints. Not so!! Tokyo is quite a big place... big enough that there's even some countryside. And I have proof! I went hiking in Tokyo today... there was lots of nature and sun!! Skipped rocks and had a great time... I've got pics to prove it!

And you can't even see any concrete down near the river... nice!

You can't get by without fire hydrants... even in the middle of the country!! :-) Thank you Will for accentuating that point! Haha...

Despite Kassandra's cheery expression... the water was pretty cold!

I was not happy about the bridge. I'm not as scared of heights as my brother... but a rickety
wooden bridge is not my idea of fun!


Em said...

Hoorah for rickety wooden bridges.

Alisha said...

haha... scared me to death!!