Friday, February 10, 2006


So... This week has been a WHIRLWIND!!! I have been reading my research stuff non-stop and locking myself away into my room in order to get more stuff read. ARGH!! This must be what grad school's all about, eh?

What do I get to do to de-stress? I take a break from reading my research stuff and switch to my class reading or translation. Heehee! Don't I sound like a sad case.

Anyway... forgot to send out an email... but if you read this regularly could you send me your phone number. My mobile phone drowned in orange juice last week and I lost all my phone numbers... so if anyone reading this ever wants a call from me... PLEASE send me your number.

Later... hope the end of the week is good to you all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

drowned in orange juice!? Now THAT is something you should write about... tell the story!