Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 25, 2009

Yes, the title of this post may seem a bit odd. It's not really July 25th yet. This date is one milestone, the last one really, on my journey to finishing my MA. It is the date that I "defend" my thesis. Now, I put quotations around "defend" because in Japan the concept of defense has not been developed. Rather than a true defense, it seems to be just one last hoop to jump through before you can graduate with the MA. Regardless of the outcome, I will graduate.

At last, the past years in academia will come to an end. In hopes of having many more exciting adventures to share with everyone... I will once again be keeping this blog. I'm choosing not to change the address because there is already so much here that I'd like to just continue.

Welcome back to the blog... I will try to be more faithful in keeping records of my life for everyone to enjoy. :-)


Em said...

Hooray! And welcome back! I've been actually quite amazed at myself that I've been posting regularly for 6 months now. You can do it!

Daniel-san said...

hey, didn't know you had a blog! Just to inform you: I'll be following this, okay?

Hope you're doing great in Japan and good luck with your "thesis defense".

Take care!

Alisha said...

Thanks guys!! I used to be a much better blogger when I lived in Yamagata... I'll try to be a good blogger once again. ;-)