It's been a few weeks since Shimon and I visited what I affectionately call "Neko Shima" of cat island. The actual name is Jogashima. We went on the bike...
Shimon was of course the driver and I was just the passenger... But it kind of turned into a photo shoot at one of the rest stops... I'm the one in the green jacket.
Not a bad picture considering I was on the back of a scooter and taking the picture. :-)
Next stop...
I look a bit like a cat whisperer, but if you look closely it's just the fact that I have food!
This little one was a bit shy... but was so sweet. She also made me pet her lots on the way out as well.
As we were heading to the main part of the park, there was a bit of a confrontation. Apparently, the black and white kitty "owned" that area and did not like the encroachment. It didn't turn into a fight, but my goodness cats can be SO noisy.
The white cat really didn't need any more food! It's one of the biggest cats I've seen in person.
I am the Pied Piper!! They literally followed me down to the little overlook area. I felt very special! Sad that it was only the food that made them so excited.
Commemorative silly picture. It's actually quite good and the sky was really nice. After this we had to get going because the temperature was dropping as the sun went down and continued as it got darker. It was a bit of a chilly ride home, but the visit was well worth a little cold. :-)
8 comments: got the pair look happening with your jackets too!!
Haha... Shimon almost didn't get his because of that. But I didn't mind and it's not like he got the same color, right!?
Yeah, it's a subtle pair look!
So when are you guys going to get engaged?
There's a "plan." That's what he says whenever it comes up. I'm hoping for sometime before April (my birthday), but not entirely sure. :-)
I hope so too! He seems like a nice guy from what you've written on here!
Are you staying in Japan for life then or thinking about living in the States again?
Not sure about where I'll be living permanently... but it's Japan for the next little while. :-)
Cool! Well, good luck with everything!
Aww you're so lucky! It's been my dream to see Nekoshima!
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