This past week, we had two days that were punctuated by many tantrums. Thursday, he wanted a soccer ball. There were two to play with at play group. He wanted the one a friend had. To the tune of throw himself on the floor and rolling around crying. T doesn't do that sort of thing all that much, so it really was a sight to behold. Afterwards he perked up and wasn't in such a bad mood. Yay. He still got a pretty early bedtime.
Friday, I had CPR training. He got to play outside with other kids and have a great time. BUT he only got an hour or less nap in the stroller. Cue really crappy afternoon... Full of tears. I did film some of his antics and tried to snap him out if it using the footage. It did not work. At all.
Saturday is always better because I don't deal with everything alone, but still it was a rough week.
Ah, yes, the tantrum phase. I think that is upon me next, after "destroy everything in sight" phase. I feel your pain.
It will get better as he gets older...wish I had some good advice! Hang in there; maybe a bit of time at a daycare/nursery school every now and then would diffuse energy and give you some relief!
Sounds like your Aurora has got you on your toes! My goodness your record of destruction was really something the other day... ;)
T had his first half day of preschool today. Another half day on Wednesday and full days from Friday. I definitely think school three days a week will help. I will be less tired from full time Touma-ing at least! :)
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