Friday, May 30, 2008


This has been a LONG week! Why?
I begun the week having gotten very little sleep over last weekend (it's complicated, but it wasn't avoidable). So, starting on Monday I developed a lovely cold. The rest of the week seemed to drag by... Tuesday I headed to immigration to figure out paperwork only to realize I'd forgotten my passport so had to make a return trip, with documents, on Thursday. It began raining Thursday morning and has been grey ever since. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate rain and it puts me in a great mood (read the sarcasm). Then, today, Friday, I had plans with two different people and BOTH of them cancelled on me. I'm not really feeling the love right now. Neither of the cancellations could have been helped, but it doesn't make a person feel any better to be cancelled on twice. *sigh* Next week has got to go better!

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