Monday, January 23, 2006

Week 2: Over and out!!

Last week was an interesting one... I've gotten started with working up at the university once in awhile. It's basically having conversations with students studying English. How hard is that?? :-) Not hard, but very fun!

Wednesday I went out with some friends from my really amazing class last semester. We had a really good night... except for me falling apart and bawling when I heard a song in one of the restaurants we visited. Argh!! Crying is BAD!!! Hahaha... overall, things ended with karaoke... and Lauren - I sang Cherry and almost started crying! I MISS YOU!!!! ;-)

This weekend has been pretty mellow all said. I played some pool last night with Kenzo. It was pretty fun... he's such a pool shark and he's giving me all sorts of tips and all that. Watch out world... I'll get those angles down soon!! ;-) And then I'll be unstoppable!! ;-) Hahaha!!

Hope all's well....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm SOOOO bored at work! Post some more!

Your old friend M