Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Until I turned in my thesis, I excused myself from large amounts of cleaning. Basically, my apartment was overtaken by papers and books and things that had to do with my thesis. Well, the thesis is in. The exam is over. I am just biding my time for graduation.

I have to admit, I still haven't cleaned my apartment! Ack! It is a big mess and will only get bigger if I don't start MAKING myself tackle it. Really it's all about trashing stuff I don't need and vacuuming. The rest is pretty ok, it's not like I have a whole lot of space. It shouldn't take too long to clean a REALLY small apartment. But with me, I guess it does. Blah! Oh, well.

Here's to motivation!! And to watching my cat run away when I bring out the vacuum. :-)


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