I feel like I'm in a rut. I'm done with my thesis, so I have all sorts of free time, but I'm as a loss as to how to spend it. I guess that's what happens when a masters degree takes 4 years instead of 2. You forget how to spend free time because it's non-existent!
What should I do in my free time? I need some suggestions!
I would love to beginning running again. I'd also like a running buddy because I have the hardest time staying motivated if I am running alone. I get up good for about a week and then I slack off.
I'd love to do some volunteering. However, I have no idea how to go about finding a volunteer organization that would want me to help. I'm sure there are ones out there, but I don't know how to go about finding the best one. Japan does not have the same culture of volunteerism that we have in the US.
Here's to getting out of a rut!!!
Find a swim class and train for a triathlon. Learn to knit. Dig out your photos and do some scrapbooking. Take a photography class (you can find some online). Volunteer at a food pantry. Read the 100 Best Novels. Paint. Write a letter a day to someone. Dog-sit. Make your own clothes. Make new recipes. Tutor kids.
Thank you! I am looking into volunteering, studying Japanese and maybe a few cooking classes. :-) I SO wish that I could dog-sit, but Japanese people don't really do that. Sad, because I would LOVE to dog sit.
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