Well, I've made it through 2 days of classes so far... my last new class is today. It's the seminar for all first year Asian Studies Japan focused people. There will be precisely 5 people in class. Should be fun!
Yesterday, Japanese was REALLY fun! We did self-introductions... which sounds boring, but it wasn't. Then we were told we had to talk to a student in class who we haven't spoken to before. I talked to a guy called Chen. He's SO cool! Anyway... we got to talking really casual. And the teacher came around and reminded us that we aren't old friends and we should be speaking in polite Japanese. :-) Heehee... it's hard! I've been schooled by my kids in Japanese... and they NEVER spoke in super polite terms. ;-)
After class I had a pleasant surprise. I ran into Hikaru. I met him on orientation day and, dumb me, didn't get his meishi or email address or anything! So, it was really good to see him again. And this time I got his meishi!! Yay... a Japanese speaking buddy. Plus, his English is excellent. I'm SO bad... we spoke all in English yesterday. Next time, Japanese!! ;-)
Ja... I'll talk to you all later!