Friday, August 28, 2009

Camping photos can wait!

Ok, so my brother is getting married. I am meant to be in the wedding as a brides maid. I have pictures of my options for dresses... Erm... yeah, I'll post the four options and ask for feedback. Keeping in mind that I can fit into all of the dresses (am about a 4 or 6), so that is really not the issue. The issue is: which is the lesser of all evils!?!?

Dress 1

Dress 2

Dress 3

Dress 4

The dresses will be in cobalt (the color in the pictures). I like the color! It's really nice. Please help me choose a dress!! :-) Vote and give a reason if you feel so inclined. ;-)


Em said...

It would be more helpful to see YOU in each of the dresses, but without that option, I pick #1. The white trim is darling and makes it look less like a bridesmaid dress and more like a dress dress ... kwim?

Alisha said...

Well, since the wedding's in Alaska and I'm in Japan until the wedding I get to pic from pictures, send measurements and PRAY that there aren't many alterations to be made when I get there. Thanks for the input. :-)