Our camping adventure included some canoeing too, but as I didn't want to damage my camera there aren't any pictures of us canoeing. However, there are pictures of us (mostly Shimon) hiking around near a waterfall. And after that sub-par explanation... here are the pictures!
I'm just the amateur... he's the professional photographer!! :-)
This is only something you'd see in Japan... an entrance to a shrine right on the edge of the lake! How cool. ;-)
Climbing near the waterfall area... he nearly blends in... but for the yellow shirt!
And what a campfire... it took two to make it, but it was a goodun'!
One half of the fire-making duo!! :-)
Hope you like the pics now that they're finally up!!
Alisha!!!! I found your blog on a comment link from Em's. I just spent a little time catching up with your life...via some blog posts. I'll keep my eye out more often now.
hope all is well!!!!
-- jen (tez)
Yay!! Jen! So glad that you caught up with me... it's good to know people are reading my silly posts. :-) Have you voted on the brides maid gowns... ;-) Whee...
i think one is cute but i also really like 4 (i thought about this one originally for my bridesmaids...though i never saw it in person). 3 i'm afraid might fit kind of awkward and 2 i'm just not sure about that bow thing in the front. if you could take that off, i would like it better!!!!
Thanks for the opinions! I've still not made a decision. Leaning towards one... but I don't have to make a decision until January. So I've got time. :-)
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