Friday, November 05, 2004


Ok... so, now that Bush has won re-election, I'm moving on. I am NOT going to think about that fact again until I have to... which is about the time I have to come back to the US sometime next August. ;-)

Today... a wonderfully sunny autumn day in Shonai. This morning I had to get up and take my car in for the vehicle inspection that they do here. It's called "shakken". Basically, the inspect your car to see if anything could break in the next year (or two if you get it done for that long) and fix it. SO, there's a lot of things that are unnecessarily fixed in this process and it's no wonder that it costs a good chunk of change (mine will cost about $750). The morning was pretty... but just the thought of emptying my pockets made me want to cry.

Today I have ONE class. Afterwards I was surrounded by kids that wanted "seals" or in real-speak, stickers. But just because they said "seal please" I was not going to give them a sticker. Instead, I insisted that all of them answer a couple questions in order to earn their sticker. Heehee... only after about 5 minutes did the mod around me dissipate so I could move to the staff room. Crazy, eh? Over a sticker... I really wish that some of the innocence these kids have wasn't lost on our junior high kids in the US.

So... there you have it... my day... not so exciting. A bit of kendo tonight and that's it. I have to be off to study Japanese. I have a month until I take a REALLY hard Japanese proficiency test... no more procrastinating for me. :-)

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