Funny Japan Stories...
So... it's been awhile since I relayed some of the ridiculousness that is my life in Japan... heeheehee...
Let's start with the startling information that one of my 15 year old boys, is indeed a girl!! Or that's what he says!! Funny thing, we're just sitting around shooting the shit, babbling in half-English, half-Japanese... and out comes "I'm girl!' From a boy called Yutaro. Now I look at him and ask "Really?" Because to be honest I thought he got all mixed up between boy and girl or something (I can't necessarily trust the level of my students' English...). But no, indeed he said that he was a girl (again) and proceeded to claim he was a "D-cup, D-cup!" Now, unlike in the US, you can touch a student without being afraid of a lawsuit. So I patted down the front of his uniform... and it seems that, despite claims, he is indeed still a boy! NUTCASE!!! Have you ever heard a 15 year old at home claim to be a girl?? Geesh!
Oh, it gets better!! Remember when the Backstreet Boys were cool... for girls!! Well, now that they have fallen out of favor (have they officially broken up?) in the States, they are finding popularity in Japan. One of my boys (also 15) LOVES the Backstreet Boys. Heehee... the one thing he won't do is dance to them... why like them if you don't want to BE them!! ;-)
Best story of the week... doesn't actually have anything to do with my students...
My brother was set to go to Sendai on Wednesday. He procrastinated (read - fell asleep) and missed the train and bus to get there. So, I got home to a note saying, "Sorry I missed your calls... (called to wake him up!) I've gotten money and I'm getting on a train and we'll see where I go! I'll be back by Friday. Talk to you soon. Garret. PS Don't forget the movies!"
I've heard from him once, and expect him back tonight with loads of adventures to share!
Anyway, there are some funny (ish) Japan stories! Enjoy!!!
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