Tuesday, March 01, 2005

You know it's cold when...

Yesterday afternoon I realized it was cold when I had my heaters on for over an hour and the temperature had not budged from it's 10 degree (C) mark... and the only way I could keep warm was by turning my electric blanket on and crawling into bed. At which point I fell asleep... only to be awakened by the fact that my nose was about to detach from my face because it was frozen!! ;-) Or something like that...

This morning wasn't much better... but we have high hopes for some warmth today. Unfortunately it seems as though mother nature has no intention of throwing any warm weather our way in the near future (read: in the next 5 minutes). My only hope?? Lots of tea and lots of sitting under my kotatsu.

Stay warm out there folks.... :^)

To Lauren... our favorite person was walking slowly past me as I wrote this blog... I'm sure the next thing I get reprimanded for is misuse of the computer!! Just watch...

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