Friday, September 02, 2005


I've been horrible about updating my blog!! It's not because I'm neglecting you... it's just there's really not much going on... at all!! I've got classes, I come home... do homework... etc.

The REALLY exciting thing is that I have been going to kendo since last Saturday. YAY!! I'm LOVING it! My stamina for kendo is completely decimated (which is what a month away from it does to ya), but by the end of next week I should be good to go. Or at least I hope it'll only take that long! :-) Haha!

Tonight I'm going out to dinner for the first time since I arrived in Hawaii... My buddy Hikaru and I are going out for Japanese food. He's craving it... as am I. Perfect, eh? The cool thing about him is that he's from Sendai!! How crazy!?! This world really is a LOT smaller than we like to paint it. :-) Anyway... he's definitely someone I can talk Japan with... without him getting annoyed with me. What's more... he's a teacher! Anyway... I can't wait to feel like a real grown-up again. It's been awhile.

Sad news from this week... my housemate that I like the best, Robert, got shipped out to Dallas for the next month. He works for a bank (not sure which one!?!) and the New Orleans branch is now in Dallas (the computer bits anyway), so people from all over the country were shipped in to help out. Which means I won't get to see my buddies, Zach and Jayce, nearly as much as I'd like. But I'll see them once in awhile.

That's about all for the time being... I'm still keeping on top of the ol' Japanese. It's actually been pretty fun... so far. First test is in the next couple of weeks. Eeeeek!!!

Take care...

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