Wednesday, January 26, 2005


So... today I was really excited to get to teach 1st years in elementary school. I love those kids! They give me loads of energy and are just SO much fun to teach. They seem to catch on to everything REALLY quick.

Today... first class... it was like pulling teeth to even get them to understand which direction to pass the "hot potato" (it's actually an elephant)... let alone getting the stuff we'd practiced right. I just thought... Geesh! If this is how the whole morning's going to go... I want to cash in my chips and go home.

Luck, however was on my side. The second class was brilliant. The kids were all really excited. Listened better. Caught on quicker. Everything went so much smoother. They knew what to say when we were playing hot potato... it was AWESOME!!!! I was still shocked afterwards though. Shocked at the differences between the two classes. I guess you just never know when the class is going to be off... let's hope that's all it was!

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