Monday, October 03, 2005


So, today I got a voicemail from Kristi Builder (formerly Willenberg)... one of my best friends from my days at Truman. Anyway, to make a long story short... she and Andrew (hubby) are going to be in Hawaii for the Ironman... and we're going to be able to meet up. Actually, even better then that... Kristi will be staying with me next Friday night and we'll get to spend all of Saturday together chilling out and having a great catch-up session. I can't wait!! I'm such a lucky kid!! :-) YAY!!!

Also... in other news... I have a Japanese test tomorrow... am going to try to do BETTER than last time (I got a B-) so I've been studying almost all weekend. Big shout out to Hikaru for coming over and calming my down last night... I seem to be having a habit of freaking out before these tests. ;-) Haha...

Anyway... wish me luck!! I'm going to need it... and a bit of skill too. :-D



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friends and I here at NAU have this policy that you must never share your test scores, and maybe even homework scores.

There's a complex psychology that goes into it. For example, how often have you taken a class, and sat next to somebody you're meeting for the first time and feel is pretty cool... you intrinsically feel that they're competant and on-par with you -- but then you see a test score they get back that they did notably more poorly on than you? Actually, it doesn't have to be notably at all... I've noticed this feeling when seeing someone score just a few points less.

The point is: since caveman days we've been hard-coded to identify the alpha member and follow their lead, while discounting "inferior" members. Your grade on a math/japanese/finite-element-analysis test is hardly your ability to trap and slaughter a buffalo for your tribe... but the psychology is still around.
Keep an eye out for it... these judgements are harsh and permanent... it's nearly impossible for someone to recover from this type of prejudgement.

I love psychology!