Friday, October 07, 2005


Well... it's over... Wednesday is anyway. I kept trying to write a blog entry yesterday... and it never quite happened. ;-) So here I am, before my 7.30 class, writing...

So, yesterday was a good day. After all of my classes I decided not to go to kendo... because I had too much to do to get ready for my friend Kristi when she comes to visit... TOMORROW!!! Yay!! But I made a fatal flaw... I asked Hikaru to come over for dinner...

I made tacos!! The meal mom's love because it makes a lot and kids like because it's good. And he'd never had them homemade before. :-)

Then we watched a bit of TV... (RO, I didn't miss the OTH season premiere!)

It was a good Wednesday... and today will be even better... and then tomorrow... KRISTI COMES!!! Yay!!

Believe me... everyone over here has been hearing about it too!!

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