Sunday, June 12, 2005

This afternoon I finally got to see "Hitch"... I laughed SO hard!! SUCH a funny film... Kevin James rocked and I must say... Will Smith was hilarious as well.

After that I met one of my old students for coffee... Naoya is like a little brother. We just ramble on about ALL sorts of stuff. He's so funny! We just talked about all sorts of stuff... and I taught him the ever-so-useful term "indecisive" (優柔不断= yuujuufudan in Japanese). And the best thing... he can actually pronounce most of the funny words we talk about. I've decided that he has to come to Hawaii or Alaska to visit. He'd LOVE the adventure of it. :-) Yay for cool students!

I'm wrecked from not doing anything. Heading to bed soon... have a good one!

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