Monday, July 04, 2005

Happy 4th of July!!

I know it's not really the 4th of July in America yet... but I've been preparing a presentation on America for today... and since it's the 4th of July I've been doing a lot of thinking about America. And I've gathered some quotes from some really great sources; my fellow Americans. And you know what? I've realized that no matter how much I dog on America sometimes... there's no other place I'd rather be from. This will probably make my parents very happy... as they get to hear a LOT of my anti-American sentiments. ;-)

Other than that, it's been a slow day. The only thing I have on the agenda is this presentation, but it's not until this afternoon. So, I've been preparing things... but that's about it. Not terribly exciting I know.

I did go hiking yesterday so I'll be posting some really cool pics from that later on this evening. TTFN!

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