Sunday, December 12, 2004


So... sometimes I can be a little high-strung... I know that's a shock to some people, but yes, I can be a bit of a live-wire. And poor Mike found that out this weekend! ;-) See he changed plans on me at the last minute. Needless to say, I got a bit miffed. Well, pissed off really. And unfortunately, instead of just picking up the phone and telling him... I texted what I was feeling. BAD IDEA!! Intonation and intent is often lost by texting.

I talked to my mum, dad, and brothers... got a perspective on things... yelled a bit and then... I was ok. Got it all out... vented if you will and was fine. But the texts I sent were still hanging out there... and I think I scared the pants off of Mike. Argh!!

He's coming up today, so I'll have to explain the way my reactions sometimes work. So he doesn't get blind-sided by the next one. Poor guy... I told him I had a bit of a temper... but I don't think he knew what I was taking about really... now he does. :-)

Yeah... so, new resolution on the week?? DON'T SCARE PEOPLE... or rather, don't scare Mike. Hahahahaha!

Hope all's well on the weekend from with everyone! ;-)

1 comment:

Em said...

*gasp* oh no, you showed him THAT Alisha. granted, once you get used to the crazy, it's all part of the girl we love. comes with the package you know ... but, it can be a little "yikes" the first time or two. i'm sure he'll understand ...

damn, girl, i miss the pants off you (okay, not that i want your pants off ... though i have seen you with your pants off!) anyway ... saw some jello wrestling pictures the other day. oy!