Friday, December 10, 2004


And MAN, is it ever good to say that. I thought this Friday would never come!! It's been quite a week. From Monday to now I've been busy busy busy. I NEED to sit and rest. But I won't get to do that at least until Saturday or Sunday. And even then I have to pack for New Zealand... so that's not going to be restful at all.

Garret's officially gone from Japan. He must have landed in Japan sometime in the wee hours of the morning (poor guy) and now he's on his way toward Fairbanks. On Wednesday night he said he didn't want to leave... he likes Japan too much. Heeheehee... he'll be back! ;-) Just wait.

This weekend is going to be really good. We have the Christmas orphanage visit tomorrow... we've been doing this since before I was a JET. The kids are awesome. We have a bajillion Christmas cookies made to decorate... and there'll be games... and a pinata! Should be good... as Lauren says... we sugar them up and leave! With all the frosting and cookies... that's exactly what'll be happening. :-)

MIKE is also coming up this weekend!! It'll be the last time I see him before I leave for New Zealand. Nothing big planned... just relaxing and watching movies... oh and TRYING to keep warm! It's gone really cold here.

Sorry for the boring blog... don't have many good stories!!

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