Monday, May 23, 2005

shoot me - please!

Today... this is a chronicle of what I've done...

- came to work to find my desk a complete MESS! cleaned desk (took 5 minutes or so)
- looked at schedule, which showed that there are two days this week in which I will have not one single class (today is one of those days)
- wish I were at Tachikawa this week
- stare into space
- find that the internet is up... check email and news (takes about 25 minutes)
- update cover letter to send to Interac
- look up housing options for Hawaii
- get bored and angry (angry because at least at Tachikawa I would be bored... but I'd also be in class!!)
- somewhere between the staring and anger was lunch
- more staring...
- a tiny bit of Japanese study
- and I'll have at least one more class period to TRY to figure out something to do (read: will continue to stare into space...)

DOOM!!! Death! Distruction!

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