STRESS... it's a killer!*
And don't I know that's the truth! Yesterday was probably one of my most stressful days in Japan yet! EEEEK! I taught a 3nensei class that was absolutely a BOMB. Oh man... and it wasn't my fault. My teacher (who will renamed un-named) took the text, flew over the bit that could have been interesting (speaking practice) and moved right into the boring grammar (for 25 minutes!!). While both Tomomi-sensei and I stod by in SHOCK! We couldn't believe what he'd just done...
At Hayashi's later in the afternoon, I prattled on about how I didn't know how to save English for my kids... because this teacher is killing it... and not in a nice quiet way, OH NO!, he's killing it by making it as boring as possible... and eventually it will just die. I'm freaking out because the kids that loved English last year are quickly losing any interest in the subject at all. We've fought to make the English program a good one... and now it's dying... anyway... I just needed a vent before I went in to wage war today! Have a good one.
*Lauren, where's the quote from??
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