This weekend was a good one... not overly busy, but not boring either.
Friday, I caught up on TV at Lauren's as kendo was cancelled that night we got an earlier start on it than usual.
Saturday, I got up at the buttcrack of dawn (which on a Saturday is around 7) to take my car for an oil and tire change. My car is very happy with me because both were LONG overdue. Then Lauren and I headed to Sakata for a MEGA kendo tournament. The Fujishima girls ended up in the final... losing to Yuza (my Tachikawa girls lost to Yuza in the previous round) and both our boys teams lost to Yuza as well (her boys in the semis and mine in the final). Both of us couldn't help thinking... DOWN WITH YUZA!!!! I also got the distinct pleasure of seeing A LOT of my former students play... Crazy Seiya was the lead off man for his school and almost the entire Sakata East high school team were former students of mine. Was really cool!
After kendo I was determined to get the CD player finally put in my car... and now I'm in love!! Why I didn't do it sooner you ask?? Because normal gas stations (that do oil changes and everything) won't actually put a stereo in a car. I've tried to get them... but to no avail.
Lauren and I went to Kim and Peter's for a little driving test meeting and then headed to karaoke...
Sunday, I watched baseball (my boys ROCK!!) and then went to a beautiful Japanese garden and sushi with the Ota's. Man, I LOVE sushi!! It was amazing... I just wish I had a sushi buddy...
There's the weekend... hope yours was good too!
BTW... I found out that I was accepted to the Univ. of Hawaii. Cross your fingers for a tuition waiver!
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